Lokesh chahar

Lokesh chahar

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Nuclear Disarmament Good Or Bad..!!

Nuclear weapons are the most powerful fighting tools that the world has ever known and they are made possible when nuclear fission, fusion, or a combination of the two release energy and cause an explosion. Since the destruction caused from the bombing of Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, the world became aware of the strength and ability to cause great damage that these weapons possess.
Nuclear weaponry is the outcome of 10,000 years of human experimentation outside the circle of life. The institutions we've built, the logic we've adhered to, lead us nowhere, except to more of the same. Desperate as we are to keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons, we devote billions of dollars annually to upgrading our own. There are still nearly 16,000 nuclear weapons on the planet, some 1,800 on Cold War-era hair-trigger alert. We've been on the brink of self-annihilation for 70 years. What sanity can we access to save ourselves?
Now question arise that is- nuclear disarmament is good or bad?
I think it is Good..!
There is two things that i always think, these are-
FIRST- Nuclear weapons are primarily "offensive" weapons. Not "defensive" weapons..!
SECOND- Why buy a car if you never intend to drive..!

45 core reasons of Nuclear Disarmament, According to Me are-
1.      because nuclear weapons threaten humankind. Let's get rid of them for good.
2.    I believe we now have a real opportunity to make a change - we should seize it.
3.          I believe there would be no winners in a nuclear war.
4.          because we have to prevent terrorists getting nuclear weapons.
5.       because it will make the world safer for our children and grandchildren.
6.       because the resources it will free up could be used for other global challenges.
7.       because the resources it will free up could fight global food insecurity.
8.       because the world will be more secure and stable without nuclear weapons.
9.     because disarmament and non-proliferation are inextricably linked to development, human rights and peace.
10.       because banning nuclear tests would greatly contribute to global efforts to curb the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
11.        because nuclear proliferation hangs like the sword of Damocles over our heads.
12.        because the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) is central to nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
13.        because there is a rising chorus demanding action on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
14.        because the resources it will free up could fight global.
15.        because we are serious about the future of humankind.
16.        because nuclear weapons are more dangerous than any problem they seek to solve.
17.        because radiation released by nuclear weapons is passed on from generation to generation.
18.        because we cannot afford 20,000+ nuclear weapons.
19.        because we want to avoid regional nuclear arms races.
20.        because while nuclear weapons exist, accidents can happen.
21.        because nuclear weapons could kill millions in one go.
22.        because the $12 trillion spent on nuclear weapons since 1945 could have eliminated poverty and other social problems.
23.        because 7 billion people are at risk.
24.        because it would be a turning point in human history.
25.        because imagining a world without nuclear weapons is no longer a dream but an actual possibility.
26.        because 113 countries are already part of Nuclear Weapon Free Zones.
27.        because after 5 decades of talks it's time for nuclear testing to be banned.
28.        because bold steps now will hasten the possibility of a nuclear weapons free world.
29.        because nuclear weapon’s very existence = more chance of use in war, terrorism or by accident.
30.        because in addition to killing millions, a nuclear war would cause an environmental crisis of epic proportions.
31.        because while many nuclear stocks are safeguarded, others are vulnerable to theft.
32.        because we cannot wait for a perfect security environment to come along, rather advancing disarmament will promote security.
33.        because the opportunity for nuclear non-proliferation is now.
34.        because many nuclear weapons today would explode with up to 100 times the force of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
35.        because nuclear weapons have so far made 104 million m³ of radioactive waste.
36.        because using nuclear weapons against another nuclear weapons state is suicidal and immoral against a non- nuclear weapons state.
37.        because as long as there are weapons there is conflict and as long as there is conflict, the human race suffers.
38.        because love, empathy, collaboration, understanding, generosity, unity, forgiveness, goodwill, kindness, caring, reason, and compassion are answers, not weapons of mass destruction.
39.        because without nuclear weapons, there can be no nuclear war.
40.        because we must make it possible for future generations to live in PEACE.
41.        because the future of our world depends on sustainable development for the preservation of lives and families, not building nuclear weapons.
42.        because life is worth more than weapons; one can replace a weapon but can’t replace a human life that is lost.
43.        because more than 3 billion young people in the world are under 25 – they deserve a fresh start in a safer world without nuclear weapons.
44.        because our past is reason enough.
45.        because wars are the most inhuman thing that exist on Earth and there is no convincing reason why they still exist.

I ask: If not us, who? If not now, when? These are the questions asked by those who have no choice. That means all of us should be asking them..!

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