Lokesh chahar

Lokesh chahar

Monday 14 September 2015

Be The Change..!!

Imagine this.

Scene 1: An Indian goes to France on a tour. On returning he mentions how clean the cities of France are while peeing on the roadside and littering it with trash.

Scene 2: In conversation with a guy in a restaurant, a girl proclaims how she is a feminist who believes in equality. She asserts how she doesn’t want to be treated any differently than a male counterpart and slowly slides the cheque toward the guy.

Scene 3: In the recent elections not only did the country see a 30% increase in the youth population participating, but also did my Facebook wall. It saw a stupendous rise in the number of people who voted and posted their selfies as proof.

Has the youth really become responsible or was this entire fiasco just a trend upsurge?

The youth of India are high on adrenaline. They are looking for change and ever exhilarated to bring about a revolution. They want to be heard. They want to be treated with respect and thought of as individuals with wisdom. I’m neither a critic nor a judge, but do you remember when everyone was discussing Mr. Arvind Kejriwal and how AAP is going to bring about political modernization? And when the moment of truth came, the same people mocked him for his incompetence. This is how quick a turnaround he fickle minded youth of our nation provides. While there may have been several reasons, I believe that Rome wasn’t built in a day and we’ll be fools ignore the bigger picture here.

When for half the nation’s population it is difficult to decide which career path to take, how do you expect them to decide the fate of the country? Do you think that just because our generation has voted righteously, we’re responsible people now? Let me provide an example. In Jamshedpur two politicians had to be voted for. One was an ex IPS officer with a doctorate degree who had worked for many industrial giants. The other was a nobody whose name people had heard for the first time ever. The latter won the elections. Why you ask? It was because his party was representing a Prime Ministerial candidate in the Central. Food for thought, right?

Did you know that not all Punjabis enjoy a patiala peg? Or not every girl who wears red lipstick easy going? Or an individual working as an art/dance professional uneducated or dumb? It is the Gen Y who has created such stereotypes and when confronted act like hypocrites. The social attitude needs to change, the norms and paradigms need to change and we, ‘The Youth’ need to be the one to do it.

If we want our women to be safe anywhere she goes, we need to stand up for that girl being molested in public in broad daylight and not stand by as a mere spectator.
If we want equal opportunities for all, we need to reject any kind of favors we receive because of reservation.
If we want to help the society in some way, it shouldn’t be through donations to elite clubs that organize those fancy charity parties. Become a member of Greenpeace instead, join an NGO and donate to the ones who really need it.

The youth of today wears branded clothes and follows the motto of ‘Just do it’, only later. We participate, contribute and get involved but have no idea why. We have our values and principles, but until the situation demands otherwise.

It is high time that we removed the mask of these contrived pretenses and saw ourselves for who we really are. We have the tools to collaborate, brainstorm and reflect at our disposal. All we need to do is to take charge and speak for ourselves – with clarity in our thoughts and the right motive in our actions. Only then will our actions be more powerful and inspired. Something will definitely happen when we pull ourselves together – individually and collectively.

Friends, Indians, Countrymen;

Let us raise our words, not our voices, for it is the rain that grows flowers, not the thunder.

Friday 14 August 2015

Crossroads Of Change..!!

I am a symbol of the youth of the nation who has a dream for change and needs the help of you all in turning that dream into reality. I am not here to sympathize, empathize or criticize. I just want you all to listen to me, question yourselves and think about what can be done.

For the past year or so I have seen our nation undergo a lot of change. I have seen the euphoric rallies against corruption that engulfed Delhi. The slogans of Women empowerment, banning child labour, making India a safer place are still ringing in my ears. Countless Facebook posts, Youtube videos and tweets on this Women’s Day drenched me with unbound hysteria. My heart was swelling with pride that the members of my generation were raising their voices.

A week up the timeline, I was on my way back home from somewhere. There was some issue at the traffic signal because of which the auto rickshaws were hurrying off without taking passengers. I somehow managed to stop one of the autos and sat behind. A girl stopped the auto and sat in front with the driver. Suddenly there was a guy trying to sit beside her, squeezing her between him and the driver. It was rather uncomfortable for her, so she choose to get down. Two guys replaced her seat. I stopped the vehicle and lectured them on morality for five odd minutes. Neither the auto driver nor the men blinked an eye. I went home wondering – Is this the same youth that had chanted slogans with great fervour and marched like a swarm of bees for one common goal – A corruption free India? A developed India? A free India? A safe India?

We are not here because our destiny was programmed to be so and to do so. We are a generation at the crossroads of time, crossroads of change and crossroads of being a part of a revolution. We are enthusiastic and exuberant, but we are pretentious too. We want to do things, in fact too many things but we have no clue how to do it. Whatever comes our way, we run headlong into it. We often patronize others – Be yourself, follow your heart, aspire for your dreams. Little do we realize that does the heart know what it wants? Do you know how to be yourself in this hypocrite society? Even Google will fail to answer these questions!

To quote Arundhati Roy, “There’s really no such thing as the ‘voiceless’. There are only the deliberately silenced or the preferable unheard”. So which category do We, the youth belong to? Is it justified to say that the youth today has awakened from their deep and long social hibernation? Are we not being fed with pompous words just to portray a picture where we come out looking all vibrant and socially aware? Do we really feel and believe what we say, and if we feel do we express it eloquently?

Let me give you answers to all the above questions. The truth is that in a nation where the average life expectancy in 65 years, a 40 year old is tagged as a youth icon. It is not that we are very happy with it, but nevertheless we accept it because we lack the zeal to do anything about it. The youth today are leading a nomadic life. A life which is a conflict between the existing social norms that are receding and the new ideas that are emerging. Our myopic eyes fail to see anything beyond the Facebook-Twitter world of the metros.

For 50 years, India has been a developing nation; it is high time we became a developed nation. What is it that developed nations have and we don’t – Is it money? Or resources? Or brains? Aren’t we patriotic enough? A nation with endless variety, India has the best engineers, doctors, industrialist, scientists and businessmen offering global expertise in their areas of development. So, what are we waiting for?

On behalf of the entire youth fraternity of India, I pledge;
To never surrender my idealism for social approval - Yes, I am single and unmarried. And NO. There is nothing wrong with me.
To change the way the society perceives us and challenge its outdated mores - Just because I have colored my hair and wear jeans doesn't mean I have no sense of culture or am morally wrong.
To not become so involved with my techno savvy world that I forget to dream - Read a book. Feel the emotion around you. Dance in the rain.
To battle the thought process of the way things are supposed to be - Don't force your children to take up engineering or medical studies. Culinary science, arts, sports, drama, fashion are as good a profession.
To respect everyone’s individuality - Not every man is a criminal, sexist or rapist. Not every woman is a sati savitri or damsel in distress. Never be prejudiced by the opinions made by the society. You have your own brain, use it!

We are not the reasons behind the ills of the society, rather we are messengers of change who should be empowered and encouraged. We aren’t only the future of the nation, but also its present. We need an environment where our voices are heard and our actions are impactful. With the current scenario of our nations, it is imperative for the youth to be involved in all the spheres of society – and not just tall claims and unproductive debates – but also actions. We have to joins hands in channelizing the energy and enthusiasm in the correct direction to achieve the herculean task of nations building.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Nuclear Disarmament Good Or Bad..!!

Nuclear weapons are the most powerful fighting tools that the world has ever known and they are made possible when nuclear fission, fusion, or a combination of the two release energy and cause an explosion. Since the destruction caused from the bombing of Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, the world became aware of the strength and ability to cause great damage that these weapons possess.
Nuclear weaponry is the outcome of 10,000 years of human experimentation outside the circle of life. The institutions we've built, the logic we've adhered to, lead us nowhere, except to more of the same. Desperate as we are to keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons, we devote billions of dollars annually to upgrading our own. There are still nearly 16,000 nuclear weapons on the planet, some 1,800 on Cold War-era hair-trigger alert. We've been on the brink of self-annihilation for 70 years. What sanity can we access to save ourselves?
Now question arise that is- nuclear disarmament is good or bad?
I think it is Good..!
There is two things that i always think, these are-
FIRST- Nuclear weapons are primarily "offensive" weapons. Not "defensive" weapons..!
SECOND- Why buy a car if you never intend to drive..!

45 core reasons of Nuclear Disarmament, According to Me are-
1.      because nuclear weapons threaten humankind. Let's get rid of them for good.
2.    I believe we now have a real opportunity to make a change - we should seize it.
3.          I believe there would be no winners in a nuclear war.
4.          because we have to prevent terrorists getting nuclear weapons.
5.       because it will make the world safer for our children and grandchildren.
6.       because the resources it will free up could be used for other global challenges.
7.       because the resources it will free up could fight global food insecurity.
8.       because the world will be more secure and stable without nuclear weapons.
9.     because disarmament and non-proliferation are inextricably linked to development, human rights and peace.
10.       because banning nuclear tests would greatly contribute to global efforts to curb the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
11.        because nuclear proliferation hangs like the sword of Damocles over our heads.
12.        because the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) is central to nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
13.        because there is a rising chorus demanding action on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
14.        because the resources it will free up could fight global.
15.        because we are serious about the future of humankind.
16.        because nuclear weapons are more dangerous than any problem they seek to solve.
17.        because radiation released by nuclear weapons is passed on from generation to generation.
18.        because we cannot afford 20,000+ nuclear weapons.
19.        because we want to avoid regional nuclear arms races.
20.        because while nuclear weapons exist, accidents can happen.
21.        because nuclear weapons could kill millions in one go.
22.        because the $12 trillion spent on nuclear weapons since 1945 could have eliminated poverty and other social problems.
23.        because 7 billion people are at risk.
24.        because it would be a turning point in human history.
25.        because imagining a world without nuclear weapons is no longer a dream but an actual possibility.
26.        because 113 countries are already part of Nuclear Weapon Free Zones.
27.        because after 5 decades of talks it's time for nuclear testing to be banned.
28.        because bold steps now will hasten the possibility of a nuclear weapons free world.
29.        because nuclear weapon’s very existence = more chance of use in war, terrorism or by accident.
30.        because in addition to killing millions, a nuclear war would cause an environmental crisis of epic proportions.
31.        because while many nuclear stocks are safeguarded, others are vulnerable to theft.
32.        because we cannot wait for a perfect security environment to come along, rather advancing disarmament will promote security.
33.        because the opportunity for nuclear non-proliferation is now.
34.        because many nuclear weapons today would explode with up to 100 times the force of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
35.        because nuclear weapons have so far made 104 million m³ of radioactive waste.
36.        because using nuclear weapons against another nuclear weapons state is suicidal and immoral against a non- nuclear weapons state.
37.        because as long as there are weapons there is conflict and as long as there is conflict, the human race suffers.
38.        because love, empathy, collaboration, understanding, generosity, unity, forgiveness, goodwill, kindness, caring, reason, and compassion are answers, not weapons of mass destruction.
39.        because without nuclear weapons, there can be no nuclear war.
40.        because we must make it possible for future generations to live in PEACE.
41.        because the future of our world depends on sustainable development for the preservation of lives and families, not building nuclear weapons.
42.        because life is worth more than weapons; one can replace a weapon but can’t replace a human life that is lost.
43.        because more than 3 billion young people in the world are under 25 – they deserve a fresh start in a safer world without nuclear weapons.
44.        because our past is reason enough.
45.        because wars are the most inhuman thing that exist on Earth and there is no convincing reason why they still exist.

I ask: If not us, who? If not now, when? These are the questions asked by those who have no choice. That means all of us should be asking them..!

Thursday 30 July 2015

Meeting The Prime Minister Of India at 7 RCR

On 1st of July along with the launch of revolutionary Digital India project, PM Narendra Modi Ji had shown desire to meet some of the social media influencers along with active participants of My Gov.
I was one of the Social Media influencers who had an opportunity to meet PM Narendra Modi Ji at PM House, 7 RCR, New Delhi.
It was my second meet with Honorable Narendra Modi Ji, First time i met him on 9 jan 2014 at New Delhi. It was a meeting of Mission272+ and only 40 people were in that meeting. That time Modi ji was Chief Minister of Gujrat, on 1 July, it was the first meeting with him after becoming PM.
I received email from My Gov inviting me for the meet and was asked to confirm the required details. We were asked to report at Electronic Niketan, Electronics Ministry at 9am. When I entered the hall where we were asked to report I was expecting to see familiar faces but i saw only 5-6 similar faces. Rest all were unknown but when i talked to each i come to know that i know almost all through Twitter.
After registration, we were taken to 7RCR by Buses after security check-up, We were asked to seat in hall. Probably there were some 100 people in the hall. While we were patiently waiting for PM Narendra Modi Ji to enter the hall, we were shown film on mygov.in in which the journey of My Gov was shown.

At 12.30pm, security personnel started moving and all our heads turned towards the door in front of us. As soon as door opened, we saw PM Narendra Modi Ji walking in and there was huge round of applause with standing ovation. For a person, meeting him was nothing less than dream come true. And My Dream Come True Once Again..!!
PM Modi ji addressed us and guided us about various things and when i got chance to meet him personally then first all i gave my intro and i told him that i met him on 9 jan in mission272+ meeting. Suddenly Modi ji smiled big and said “I remember that Meeting, keep working for Nation”.
I think i have done some great noble works in my Past life so i got a chance to meet person like Modi ji again. I will keep working for Nation, it was my promise to Modi ji. For Me, Its Nation First, Self Last..!!

Monday 13 October 2014

Story Of Mission272+ (Undercurrent Created By Volunteers)

This is the story of the Campaign for 2014, the story of Mission272+ (Undercurrent created by Volunteers)

This is the story of how Narendra Modi’s speech-making, spanning more than 100 speeches, shook up the Indian political landscape in little over 15 months with a marathon 75 plus public rallies (including the Assembly election 2013 campaign) and 20 plus town-hall events.
It began, in many ways, with that victory speech in Khanpur before the year was rounded off with a Vijay Shankhnad Rally in Kashi. Since then Narendra Modi has spoken on an economic vision, a healthcare vision, a technology vision and an all-encompassing political vision for India. But we need to rewind back a but further to get a more accurate mile marker for the start of this journey with that riveting speech from September, 2011 during the Sadbhavana fast when a national television audience, for the first time, experienced the power of Narendra Modi’s oratory.
The one constant in Narendra Modi’s speeches is his penchant for coining catchphrases which then go on to take a life of their own on the campaign trail. One such coinage is the catchphrase “India First” that has come to symbolise what secularism means to Narendra Modi.
If Narendra Modi’s overarching political narrative for the 2014 elections were to be summed up in a single word with a resonance to every segment of voters it would be the word — trust.
It was this grounded wisdom of Narendra Modi that saw him being declared as the BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate on the September 15, 2013 even as Rewari in Haryana prepared to host him as the first mega rally as the PM candidate.
Narendra modi build a volunteer platform named ‘India 272’. In starting it was a online platform for volunteers to share their ideas and to participate on national issues debates. After that in Nov 2013 ‘india 272’ started the on-ground activities too like Manthan, Mock parliament, Nukkad sabha, Voter awareness etc.
In dec 2013 ‘India 272’ announced that the Top active volunteers who are working online and on-ground will get a chance to meet Shri Narendra Modi on 9 Jan 2014.
6 jan 2014 was the biggest day in my life when I got a call from Delhi that I am shortlisted to meet Shri Narendra Modi among the lakhs of volunteers across the India. Only 50 volunteers were shortlisted to that meeting. I was one of them.
I went to delhi to attend the meeting, it was like dream come true to share the table with Shri Narendra Modi in that meeting. From 9am to 7pm this meeting went. Shri Modi came at 4.30pm and stay till 6.45pm with us. He shared many things with us And motivate us to work for nation not for a party only.
Before that many speakers trained us how to work and build a team of volunteers in our parliamentary constituency. Shri Piyush Goyal, Shri Arvind Gupta, Smt  Smiriti Irani, Shri Rajesh Jain, Shri Vinod Shankar, Shri Nitin Kashyap addressed us on various things.
I got the responsibility of my PC Jodhpur. I came back and build the team of volunteers of Mission272+ with the help of various people as Shri Sagar Joshi, Pankaj vyas, Deepak upadhyay, Dr Jitendra singh Chouhan, Narendra singh choudhary, Kuldeep singh chahar, Ravikant Sharma, Rahul bora, Amit goyal, Ishwar ram tandi, Shrawan goswami, Laksingh panwar, Hanwant singh, Prateek vyas, Jaikishan Sharma, Lakshit sharma and many more uncountable volunteers who gave everything for this mission, . We did many Manthans, Nukkad nataks, Namo Tea parties, Rallies, Namo musical show etc. Our team was increasing day by day. Youth were participating in mission272+ with full flow. About 10000 volunteers were a part of our team in Jodhpur PC.
Mission272+ were spreading across the India, Lakhs of volunteers were joining this revolution. Bjp It head Shri Arvind Gupta was working 24*7  to motivate and instruct the volunteers across the india. There was a flood of volunteers. They were not the party workers. They were working for country, for ‘India First’.
The ‘India 272’ team was working 24*7 and whenever I need some help or any guidance I may call Shri Vinod Shankar. He always helped me and always motivated to do work for nation.
The Team of ‘Mission272+’ led by Shri Arvind Gupta was always available for me. Shri Kamal Vashishth, Shri Nitin Kashyap, Shri Sunil Singh, Shri Kuldeep Singh and many more. All were have the responsibility of different states to make the dream come true of ‘Mission272+’
An Article published in India Today that was like ‘It could be the biggest crore of them all in Elections 2014, the turbo boost that powers the Bharatiya Janata Party home in the last lap. The BJP has enlisted no less than 10 million new members in the last four months alone; that's almost a lakh every day. The most significant part of the BJP's explosively growing ranks is that a fifth of the new members are active volunteers; almost twice the strength of the Indian Army. A series of clever initiatives launched by the party to spread the 'Narendra Modi for Prime Minister' message in the afterglow of the impressive saffron performance in the Assembly elections of December 2013 is behind this manpower miracle.
 Arvind Gupta, head of party's IT wing, said, "Over one crore people have become members under India 272+ initiative of the BJP. Out of them about 20 lakh people are working actively for the party reaching out to voters. The members are from across the country.  Their work also includes enabling the most sophisticated digital platform for booth-level organising and campaigning with the goal of winning every booth. They also connect with volunteers within constituency to take Mission 272+ to the local level,"
Making a critical difference Campaigning during the 2014 election was the Digital Ecosystem that came together for Mission272+. Most campaigns have traditionally been run in a centralised manner with a command and control structure. A unique feature of the digital ecosystem that came together for Mission272+ was its distributed nature drawing on skills, resources and enthusiasm from across multiple platforms – official and voluntary.
At the heart of the Mission272+ Digital Ecosystem was the BJP’s I.T.Cell and its National Digital Operations Center (NDOC) that ran a 360 degrees campaign across digital channels – web, mobile, social media, voice and sms. The BJP’s NDOC was complemented by the India272+ Volunteer Platform which for the first time in India offered a platform for all those who were passionate about seeing Narendra Modi as India’s next Prime Minister to get involved with the 2014 Campaign. Between the official IT efforts and the volunteer efforts, the digital ecosystem that came together was largely responsible for much of the BJP’s digital dominance through the 2014 Campaign.
Over all it was an Under current which was create by ‘Mission272+’ volunteers across the India.
And the day came when Narendra Modi has been sworn in as the Prime Minister of India by the President Pranab Mukherjee. Mr. Modi became the 14th PM of Independent India.
Lokesh Chahar

Sunday 25 May 2014

Making India Think - A Letter for the Youth, by A Youth..!!

Friends, Indians and Countrymen,

I stand before you not to sympathize or criticize the situation our country is in. I am here only to make you THINK.

I am a symbol of the youth of this nation who has a dream for change and needs the help of you all in turning that dream into reality.

We are not here because our destiny was programmed to-be-so and to-do-so.

We have all seen the beginning and end of classroom sessions, semesters and holidays. We all have had that ‘special someone’ who broke our heart in the end. But, Life always gives a second chance and being optimist certainly pays off.

At 5 our parents would've told that we would be an engineer or a doctor. At 10, we dreamed of becoming a cricketer or a film star. But as you move forward, you leave those dreams behind and reality strikes. The right thing to do then is ‘Be Yourself’. You should create your own ‘Youniverse’ in a society where people want to be like someone else and make a difference.

India is diverse nation – many cultures, religions, languages and societies of people coexisting in one country. So, where do you stand? Do you follow the rules created by this society and carry on with your mundane existence? Or should you break the shackles and realize your dreams? Don’t you think that as the leader of tomorrow you should have the liberty of thinking, realizing and acting on your own principles?

For 50 years we have been a developing nation; it’s high time we became a developed nation. What is it that developed nations have and we don’t – money, resources, economy or brains? We have all of these – both in quality and quantity. Are we not patriotic enough? Then, why do these politicians deposit billions of dollars in foreign accounts and not spent even a quarter of it in the nation’s welfare?  India needs to stand up to the world – not only as a military power, but also an economic power. We cannot leave everything in the hands of the government; this is the right time to provoke the minds of the youth for an upsurge that will create awareness and will be pivotal in making India a superpower.

A nation with endless variety, India has the best engineers, doctors, businessmen, and scientists offering global expertise in almost all areas of development who are the paramount reason behind the expectation of becoming a world leader by 2020. But will we live up to this expectation or do we still want to remain a country with intellectual brilliance alongside the superstition and ignorance of people?

No nation is perfect. With the active involvement of youth in issue specific causes and movements, it is high time the society changes the way they perceive us. We aren't the reasons behind the ills of the society, rather we are the messengers of change who should be empowered and whose contributions should be encouraged. We aren't only the future of the nation, but also its present. We need an environment where our voices need to be heard and our actions need to be impactful. We have to join hands in channelizing the energy and enthusiasm in the correct direction for achieving the herculean task of nation building. 
Lokesh Chahar

Monday 11 November 2013

Bring It On..!!

My mind is blank, clueless and still
With little idea about the future
Plans can be made and conclusions drawn
But then, why the frown in my head?

Success isn't a necessity, then why compete
Amidst the existing chaos, what is it that I need?
I too had dreams, where have I buried them
Desires lie dormant in my heart, what is it that I seek?

I was brazen and crazy once, conscious I have now become
A sense of security and defense has now shielded me. 
Am I not the same person who was brave enough to try the unconventional?
Yes, I have changed; but am I still me?

No. I haven't given up on my dreams just yet. 

Neither have I changed for the worse. 
There comes a time when you have to see beyond 'ME'
When there's more to a picture than you can just see. 

I have been taught well

Awakened, realized, felt
Learned, inspired, acted
By and From the ABC's of LIFE.

Life teaches us to live it 
To the fullest, to the core
Forget the regrets, wear a smile
And have an attitude of "Bring it on!!". 

That is what I'll try to do,

With faith in myself, hope for the future
And strength in my beliefs
In the ABC's of Life.